Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Crandell Mansion.

Crandell Mansion, Ballston Spa NY *Updated, October 2015*

In the spirit of the Halloween season, I decided to keep with the ghost tales and spooky location theme. Below is a blog I posted last December with some updates added to it. I hope you enjoy!...beware.

Most people I know love a great Ghost story and the idea of the old Haunted Mansion on a hill. The kind of place that spirits can be seen roaming through the house at the dead of night. The walls dripping blood with demonic voices saying the usual “Get out” These days with the popularity of reality Ghost shows and tales of the unknown we dial into all things that suggest that there is other worldly phenomenon that cannot be explained. Every culture and society has their own tales of ghosts and spirits. Here in America we seem to be drawn to old mansions and graveyards with celebrity psychic mediums telling us of the demise of those spirits while in human form. 

I grew up in a Village in Saratoga County that has its share of interesting 'haunts'. One such notorious place is the Crandell Mansion. This old victorian home is immediately in front of the elementary school; where I along with many other children in the 80’s ran around on the playground pretending to hide from old ghost Crandell and his silhouette in the cupola. We would tell tales amongst ourselves of the ghostly inhabitants and that children who got too close would end up missing. The imagination of children can be as far fetched and expansive as the earth itself. Behold, the Crandell Mansion.
One day while speaking with an old co-worker, she had brought up the house in passing saying that her immediate family are the current owners of the house and property. (I will leave her nameless). She mentioned that there is also Apartments that have been built into the massive house with tenants claiming no experiences, to seeing and hearing things that had them scared. I could not believe my ears!

She mentioned that there has been some odd occurrences that have been experienced as well as eyewitness accounts of apparitions including photos with orbs and other unexplainable images. Whether you believe or not, this blog entry is not here to state one way or the other if the house itself is truly haunted. Every person has their own thoughts and beliefs on the matter. As a grown up, I decided to do a little research on the home and found some information that is quite tragic and terrible.

I had heard rumors that Sylvester Crandell had tortured his family and that he hung himself in the cupola and on certain nights you can see his body hanging. All sorts of tales and ghostly stories to make anyone fearful. All these years it has been difficult to distinguish between fact and town folklore. Attached is a newspaper article from the NY times dated December 20, 1887 outlining the horrid events that had taken place on December 19, 1887. 

My fascination has gone beyond the “purported” hauntings of the home and into the events leading up to and the tragedy itself. I sit back and wonder to myself as a family man, how could anyone become so enraged that one would Murder his family. Especially given the fact that this tragedy was just days from Christmas where we are supposed to be thankful for the gift of life. (assuming the family was christian). As I pondered to myself about all the info I have read and stories I heard as a child I overheard a financial report about this current holiday season for 2014. The report stated that most families would be more conscious on spending this year.

The report made me think of all those in the world who have lost everything or on the very verge of such financial defeat. It seems almost everything is driven by financial gain and the mentality of those with the most toys wins. I myself, have been guilty of this mindset. I have seen firsthand friends and loved ones become torn apart by the nightmares of finances and ownership. With a house as grandiose as the Crandell mansion had to have been in the 1800’s brand new, I can only imagine the mindset Mr. Crandell had as he pursued public office and lived a privileged lifestyle. Eventually it appears that all fell away from him. Including his stability of mind and body. 

I pondered, was the mindset & family situation of that tragedy that cold snowy day in December of 1887 really that different from today’s family stressors? I'm not claiming Adults are committing homicide on their families on a routine basis. But does the unhealthy desire and pursuit of wealth create as many family problems today as it did in the Crandell house? In short, I believe it does. Perhaps it is the human nature of wanting more, or simply trying to hold on to what we have creates words of anger and action that affects the ones around us. When some are faced with the reality of losing an apartment or a custom built home in a development. The idea and embarrassment of having to relinquish an expensive vehicle or belonging can lead even the best of us as humans to lash out and act in ways we wouldn’t. I come away thinking that even if this tragedy separates us by 128 years; the core element remains that finances impact every family from every race, background and culture. It is one of the most driving forces in the world. In the case of an individual such as Sylvester Crandell who clearly was not in his right mind led to the unspeakable. Murder

Perhaps, for a moment, we can all suspend our disbelief and assume that the stories of the ghostly inhabitants are true? Are these spirits trapped? or perhaps they visit to serve as a warning to us all so that history does not sadly repeat itself. “If” there is truly such a thing as spirits, I cannot help but think that perhaps there spirits along with Mr Crandell could be looking for a way to rewrite the history of that dark day. Again, “if” those spirits are in that house. I hope that they can find peace as the anniversary of their deaths quickly approaches. 

In closing, maybe the spirits stay in that house not to scare the school children behind the house, but perhaps to plant the seed in those children that while Money is a necessity of life it should not be everything. At 35 years old, if this is the lesson, then I have heard loud and clear. Whether through the sight of the house, the newspaper articles, speaking with family who have ties to the home or the folklore of the family’s ghosts. We are entering a time of year to take pause and be thankful for what we have as well as lending a helping hand to others. 

Perhaps through love and goodwill, we can help those who need help the most stay clear of what could be another senseless tragedy and loss of life. Just an average joe's opinion.  

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within” - James Baldwin.

Questions, comments? Email me!

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